Manchester Client of the Month for August 2014 Toni!!!
“When I started EFX 6 months ago I was at a low point in My Life. Once a very active solid strong woman I fell ill for almost 2yrs and end result…depressed and no longer motivated (if you can believe that). I wasn’t even able to face a camera when a picture was taken. I’ll admit when I went to my 1st session I was scared and thought there is no way I can do this! Then I met Mike and to my surprise he didn’t say “This is NOT for you” in fact he said “Welcome and lets get started!”
From that moment on through all my obstacles, neither Mike, Hannah, Tyler ever gave up on me. They’ve reminded Me of who I am and brought back every ounce of confidence and determination that was almost lost and actually gave Me more!
Yes they make my muscles sore, which I appreciate and thank them for every time. I’ve tried other fitness training programs and I will say that EFX Fitness is by far the best.
They are motivating, they modify if and when needed so everyone in time reaches their goal that’s right they do their job and they do it GREAT! I truly believe between My EFX trainers and My lil’ Sister whose my partner in crime at EFX, I am CONIFDENT I will CRUSH My Goals!!”
Toni V